Administration Settings
Cisco SPA100 Series Phone Adapters Administration Guide 124
Log Module
Use the Administration > Log > Log Module page to enable and configure
NOTE As a best practice, Cisco recommends that you enable logging only when needed,
and disable logging when you finish the investigation. Logging consumes
resources and can impact system performance.
To open this page: Click Administration in the menu bar, and then click Log > Log
Module in the navigation tree.
NOTE If you want to enable email or syslog server logging, first specify the email or syslog
server settings on the Log Setting page.
Enter the settings as described below. After making changes, click Submit to save
your settings, or click Cancel to abandon any unsaved entries.
Field Description
Status Click Enabled to enable logging, or click Disabled to
disable logging. The default setting is Disabled.
Log - Enable Check the box in the heading row to enable logging for
all services (kernel and system). Alternatively, check the
box for kernel or system to enable logging for that
Service The type of service to include: kernel or system.