P/N: 4FT020-010
©2002 Vortech Engineering, LLC
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
07FEB02 V2.0
(99-01SuperDuty(4FT V2.0))
A. Remove the upper shroud, located between the
core support and the grille.
B. Remove the three screws securing the radiator
reservoir and rotate out of the way.
C. Remove jack tools and tray holding brackets.
D. Remove the upper two supports securing the
E. Remove the hood latch from the core support
(leaving it attached to the cable) and set out of
the way.
F. Remove the upper core support - secured with
(8-10) screws. (See
Fig. 9-a
G. Following
Fig 14-b
on page 14, install the sup-
plied water fitting adapters onto the heat ex-
changer securing with the provided Ø3.25” x 2”
sleeves and clamps.
H. Using the diagram as a guide (see Fig. 14-b),
install the supplied 3/4” NPT brass fittings into
the charge cooler as shown. A small amount of
thread sealant may be used on these threads.
I. Lower the heat exchanger into place between
the vehicle’s condenser and radiator. Rest the
heat exchanger on the pads of the lower core
support. (See
Fig. 9-b
J. Remove the factory nut clips if any, in the core
support and replace with the ones provided.
Secure the heat exchanger to the vehicle using
the supplied 1/4-20 x 2-3/4” cap screws and
K. Reinstall the upper core support, hood latch and
condenser supports.
L. Using the
Fig. 9-c
as a guide, measure down 20”
Fig. 9-a
Fig. 9-b
Fig. 9-c
Fig. 8-c
from the top of the fan shroud and over 5” and drill a hole through the fan shroud using a Ø9/32”
drill bit.
M. Using the supplied adel clamp and 1/4” screw, washers and nylock nut secure the pump to the
fan shroud.
N. Cut the stock connector off of the pump wiring and install the provided solderless connectors.
Connect the supplied red wire to the green wire and the supplied black wire to the brown wire
using the previously installed connectors.
O. Reinstall the vehicle’s stock fan, spacer, shroud and tighten.
P. Connect the black wire to a suitable ground, free from paint and vehicle undercoating.
Q. Route the red wire to the vehicle’s fuse box located near the master cylinder. Using the supplied
fuse tap, fuse holder and slide connectors, tap into the #7 mini-fuse. Check that the fuse only
receives power when the key is in the ON position using a test light.
E. Secure the fuel lines away from abrasion and
exhaust heat with the provided tie wraps.
F. Tap into the factory fuel regulator vacuum line
with the supplied 5/32" hose and TEE. Route the
new hose to the fitting on top of the FMU.