IP E-Class Administrator’s Manual Function 7: Reports
Function 7: Reports
Important: You may wish to read “SMDR” (pp. G.1–G.2) before using this function.
Report printing
The system’s built-in reports can be output to a printer or a PC via the Maintenance/SMDR port.
When printing captured reports from the PC to a laser printer, use a fixed monoproportional font (such
as Andale Mono, Courier New or Letter Gothic), 9 points or smaller.
From either the Administrator programming menu, select the desired report as shown in Functions 71,
74 and 75 (below). The reports can be printed with either: (1) the data saved for inclusion in future
reports, or (2) the data and totals cleared. (You can’t clear data in either the system program report or
the system speed-dial report.)
Note: Outbound calls shorter than one minute are not counted in system totals.
Reporting functions
• Function 73: ACD department detail report — (See below.)
• Function 74: Voice mail statistics report — Provides statistics indicating the message activity in
each mailbox since the data was last cleared.
• Function 75: System speed-dial list — Lists the current system speed-dial numbers. Distribute a
copy to those who are authorized to use them.
Function 73: ACD department detail report
The ACD department detail report provides extension usage by ACD department. This report includes
the following “fixed” information:
• All ACD departments will be included.
• The current report’s start date and time will be the previous report’s end date and time.
• The current report’s end date and time will be the current date and time.
Function 73 offers two choices:
1. Current report (“Press 1 to print the current ACD report”) — Outputs the current ACD department
report. All information is automatically copied to the previous report (see next choice) and cleared
from the current report.
2. Previous report (“Press 2 to repeat the previous ACD report”) — Re-sends the last report printed.
Note: After the current report is requested, it will be stored indefinitely (as the “previous” report) until the next
“current” report is selected.