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Premium Tech Tool
Information is subject to change at any time without notice. Any printed copy of this bulletin is an uncontrolled document.
Recent Network Updates
Network Update 2.03.38/41
More efficient error reporting with option to trigger a report directly from the error
Stability improvements for software download.
Improved user feedback when sending concern reports.
If Central Systems is down, there is a new message in the login dialog that reports this.
Updates to the Vehicle Life and trip report to include Exhaust Aftertreatment System
Consumption totals. This is shown below the Trip Report.
Network Update 2.03.50 will be released Mid October
“Send Logs” is a new feature found in the help menu.
Improved error data recovery.
Corrected the missing “key off/on message in the clutch calibration for Version 2
Corrected an issue in the DTC viewer that prevented going to the next step.
General news
The new and improved www.premiumtechtool.com is now available. Take a few
minutes to check out the new site and watch the video.
Please note that Tech Tool works offline! You don’t have to connect to Central Systems
unless you need to program an ECU. Initial connection and synchronization is required,
after installation.
Programming an ECU will require a connection to Central Systems.
A Password requires that you have at least 8 characters
For UD vehicles built prior to 2011 you must continue to use PC Consult
New! We have How-to videos on Trucks Dealer Portal for some key functions.
Also found at: www.premiumtechtool.com
Also found at: www.macktrucks.com
Also found at: www.volvotrucks.com
For WIN 8 support with Tech Tool, contact the help desk.
Known Issues
If you update the Nexiq driver to, you must use the Nexiq device tester to
update the adapter firmware too. Note that Tech Tool will now say to “update the
driver”. Please ignore this notice. This will be corrected soon in a future release.