AVANTI Service Lift for Wind Turbines
AVANTI LIFT ANCHOR is an anchor point used for
protection against falls from heights intended for use
with a full body harness approved according to EN
361 or Z359.1:2007 as applicable. Connection to the
LIFT ANCHOR is only allowed by using self-closing
connectors according to EN 362 or Z359.1:2007 as
Use in connection with other equipment than
specified, may be potentially dangerous. User shall
be equipped with a means of limiting the maximum
dynamic forces exerted on the user during the arrest
of a fall to a maximum of 6kN. In case of doubt, please
contact AVANTI.
The maximum load that can be transmitted in service
from the anchor device to the structure is 22.2 kN in
±15º vertical direction. The maximum deflection of the
anchor point that can occur in service is 10mm.
AVANTI LIFT ANCHOR is tested and approved only
to be mounted on AVANTI lifts. This manual always
needs to be represented in language of sale and
provided for use by all technicians. Activities at height
are dangerous and may lead to severe injury or even
Gaining an adequate apprenticeship in appropriate
techniques and methods of protection is important
and is your own responsibility.
Users are obliged to read and understand this User
Manual. Further they need to be proper equipped and
instructed with the use of the necessary fall arrest
equipment and emergency procedures in case of
injury or sudden illness.
Users going to install AVANTI LIFT ANCHOR need to
be familiar with the installation section of this manual.
It’s essential to the safety, that the user always attach
the energy absorber as high as possible above his/her
position, to minimize the fall distance most possible in
case of a fall.
The position of the anchor point is crucial for fall
arrest – the height of the fall, elongation of lanyard and
energy absorber or pendulum movement of the user
should be considered in order to minimize the risk of
impact in obstacles in case of a fall. It’s prohibited for
the user to do many modifications or use non original
Avanti components when assembling AVANTI LIFT
Re-use of demounted AVANTI LIFT ANCHORS or
parts is not allowed. Any changes or other uses
beyond this manual are strictly forbidden.
Any changes or other uses beyond this manual are
strictly forbidden. This documentation must be kept
in the service lift for the purpose of subsequent
examinations of the anchor device.
The AVANTI LIFT ANCHOR is for the use of one
person only. It is strictly forbidden to carry out work
if the person is in unfit mental or physical condition.
Climbing and working under the influence of alcohol,
drugs or any medication which can interfere with the
safety are also much prohibited.
If there are any doubts to the safety of the AVANTI
LIFT ANCHOR, or it isn’t proper fixed, deform or
damaged with cracks or similar incompatible harms it
may never be used – Please contact the manufacture
immediately. In case of corrosion the anchor
immediately needs to be removed.
Only to be used by instructed workers!
Instructed workers must be aware,
instructed and prepared to utilize site
rescue plans.
Only to be used for preventing vertical
Only to be used for fall arrest, not to
hoist or hang in goods or similar!
Before attaching in the ANCHOR the
user needs to check it is sitting fixed
and screws are sitting tight and proper.
If AVANTI LIFT ANCHOR has arrested
a fall it may never be used again. Part
must be removed from service imme-
D.2 Danger
D.1 Caution
Appendix D: AVANTI lift anchor