2. Backlit Display
2.1 Application Characteristics
A high quality, photo-realistic graphic placed in a fixture that is illuminated from the rear is a "backlit" display.
The fixture is typically mounted to a wall or stand.
The image quality of a backlit graphic is critical: The image should be sufficiently dense so that it does not
appear "washed-out" when viewed under fixture lights, but should not be too dark (or dense) when the back
lights are turned off. Most back lit displays are printed on polyester backlit film which gives a completely
uniform light transmission, is dimensionally stable, staying flat and in place under the temperature conditions
inherent with light-boxes.
Some papers are also suitable provided their formation, the structure of the paper itself, doesn’t give a mottled
appearance when illuminated. Paper backlit offers reduced cost in interior or short-term exterior displays, and
this can allow customers to change messaging more frequently than viable with a traditional polyester film.
Using a blue backed paper helps to provide a more even light diffusion, masking any mottling from paper fibre
formation that becomes evident as a result of the light. Extra opacity helps to maintain strong image colour
both lit and unlit although backlit films generally should generally be capable of supporting high levels of ink
coverage to produce more brilliant colour display.
3. Self-Adhesive Vinyl
3.1 Application Characteristics
Pressure Sensitive Vinyl (PSV) or self-adhesive vinyl can be directly applied to a range of smooth, flat, or gently
curved surfaces such as metal, glass, stainless steel, painted surfaces, etc. This capability saves additional steps
for graphics production during imaging, finishing, and print installation. These media are designed for short-
term promotional graphics, but also for long-term signage and specialist applications such as vehicle wrapping.
A range of vinyls serves this variety of application.
Vinyls in the Xerox range are not suitable for applications with corrugated shaping, rivets, or complex contours.
A specialist cast vinyl would be appropriate and specialist application techniques are necessary.
3.2 Print Finishing
• ON-PRINTER: DO NOT use the automatic cutter. Manually trim. Always check the knives to
make sure they are sharp and properly adjusted to provide a clean cut.
• OFF-PRINTER: it is best to unroll the finished graphics onto a table and cut between
images. Handle the material in roll form for shipping or subsequent roll-to-roll over-
• When winding onto a core, tape the outer wrap to the roll to keep it wound tightly. Wind
onto as large a core as possible, 3” or larger. Wind the roll image side out. Wrap the roll
in plastic or place in a sealed tube to prevent moisture damage.
• Xerox oil inkjet PSV is designed for short term promotional graphics and should always be
• Use Pressure Sensitive laminates only.
• Laminate between 30 minutes and 24 hours after printing, as this material is sensitive to
moisture curl.
• ENCAPSULATION: The over-laminate vinyl should be trimmed to provide 6-19 mm of
material beyond each edge of the pre-cut graphic to seal the edges of the vinyl to prevent
moisture damage to edges of the print.
• Cut a length of over-laminate film to properly fit the graphic (including necessary overlap).
• Feed the leading edge of the over-laminate (still on the liner, liner side down) into the laminator. Stop the
laminator once the leading edge has passed through the nip.
• Split the over-laminate film away from the liner, draping the over-laminate film over the top laminating roll.
• Place the printed graphic on the over-laminate liner with the printed side facing the adhesive side of the
over-laminate film. Take care to align the graphic to make sure that at least 12 - 20mm of overlaminate
film extends beyond each edge to seal the edges of the print after application.
• Start the laminator and run the graphic completely through the nip.
• Stop the laminator and trim the overlaminated graphic to size, allowing the overlaminate to extend beyond
the edge at least 12 -20 mm.