3.3 Surface Cleaning and Preparation
It is the responsibility of the applicator to ensure all substrates are suitable and appropriately prepared to avoid
problems with a decal either not adhering or adhering too firmly such that removal damages the substrate. The
substrate surface must be completely clean, smooth, and dry. There must be no dirt, oil, grease or solvent
residue remaining.
Prior to cleaning with solvents, test the cleaning solvent on an inconspicuous area of the application surface to
check for potential damage. Always test adhesion and paint/adhesive compatibility prior to installation.
The following cleaning and surface preparation conditions must be followed immediately prior to application.
Failure to adhere to these requirements can cause adhesion loss and therefore reduce the durability and
performance level of the decal.
• Remove all dirt and grime with soapy water. If grease, oil, wax, etc. are present, the
substrate must be scrubbed with a solvent wipe (Xylene, heptane, ethylacetate,
denatured alcohol).
• After proper cleaning, the substrate surface should be thoroughly wiped by using a
clean rag saturated with a cleaner such as DuPont’s Pre-Sol Brand Solvent 3919S,
Rapid Prep by Rapid Tack, or Sherwin Williams R7K-156.
• Other solvents such as IPA (isopropyl alcohol), VM&P Naptha, Xylol, or lacquer thinner
may also be used instead of DuPont 3919S. However, care should be taken to assure
that the final dry wiping is accomplished prior to the solvent evaporating.
3.2 Painted Surfaces
Avoid highly pigmented or dull metallic paints (which tend to chalk and flake), latex paints, paints containing
migratory agents such as chlorinated waxes and silicone, oil alkyd primers and enamels. If applying film to a
newly painted surface, follow all drying and curing instructions. All air-drying paints should be allowed to dwell
at or near room temperature and humidity conditions for one week prior to vinyl application. Chalked and
otherwise weathered paint surfaces must be refurbished or refinished.
High quality exterior grade paints are recommended as a good base for self adhesive vinyl.
3.3 Other Surfaces
Including Alloys of Tin, Copper, Magnesium, Lead: Not recommended.
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel tends to maintain cold surface temperatures longer then most
substrates. Use a heater immediately before and after application to accelerate bond.
MDF / Wood
Generally not recommended.
ABS, Acrylics
Use high quality exterior grade paints.
Galvanised Steel
Ensure the substrate is properly galvanized, it is recommended to test all galvanized
steel substrates and prepare thoroughly before application.
With a soft cloth wipe the surface with isopropyl alcohol. Inadequate preparation may
result in air bubbles. Test for out-gassing
Glass must be perfectly clean. Remove anything attached to the surface using a
scraper . Spray the glass with cleaning solution and dry using a soft rubber
squeegee. Wetting the glass with cleaning solution (DuPont Prepsol or Isopropyl
Alcohol) will reduce the chance of scratching the surface during the scraping process.
3.4 Installation
Before starting installation, consult the appropriate product data sheet for information regarding application
temperature range and recommended substrates. These factors are critical to a successful application and
future decal performance. If the substrate surface temperature is below minimum requirements, the substrate
must be heated to application temperature to accelerate the ultimate adhesion of the vinyl.
Mark the decal location on the application surface. For multi panel decals the overlap should be 6-12mm.
Generally do not use application fluid or the "wet method" for installation as this can reduce ultimate adhesion
or cause fogging with clear vinyls.
The decal must be squeegee-ed before and after pre-mask removal. During pre-mask removal, decals are
exposed to potential edge lifting. In order to eliminate this, re-squeegee the decal (especially the edges).