Are You Still Having Problems?
1. Go to the User Guide on the Installation CD-ROM.
More configuration and troubleshooting information is available in the User Guide on the Installa-
tion CD-ROM.
2. Go to the Support section of the U.S. Robotics Web site at www.usr.com
Many of the most common difficulties users experience have been addressed in the FAQ and
Troubleshooting Web pages for your specific product. The product number for the 802.11g
54Mbps USB Adapter is 5422. The product number for the 802.11g 54Mbps Router is 5462. You
may need to know this to obtain information on the U.S. Robotics Web site.
3. Call the U.S. Robotics Technical Support Department
Technical questions about U.S. Robotics products can also be answered by technical support
Country Voice Online Support Hours
United States (888) 216-2850 http://www.usr.com/emailsupport 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M., M-F CST
Canada (888) 216-2850 http://www.usr.com/emailsupport 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M., M-F CST
Austria 07 110 900 116 http://www.usr.com/emailsupport/de 7:45A.M.–4:45P.M.,M-F
Belgium (Flemish)
+32 (0)70 233 545
[email protected] 9:00A.M.–6:0
Belgium (Fr
+32 (0)7
0 233 546
[email protected] 9:00A.M.–6:0
France 082 507 0693 http://www.usr.com/emailsupport/fr 8:00A.M.–5:00P.M.,M-F
Germany 01805671548 http://www.usr.com/emailsupport/de 7:45A.M.–4:45P.M.,M-F
Italy 848 80 9903 http://www.usr.com/emailsupport/it 9:00A.M.–6:00P.M.,M-F
Middle East/Af
+44 870 844 4546
[email protected] 9:00A.M.–6:0
Portugal +351 (0)21 415 4034 http://www.usr.com/emailsupport/pt 9:00A.M.–5:00P.M.,M-F
Spain 902 117 964 http://www.usr.com/emailsupport/es 9:00A.M.–5:00P.M.,M-F
UK 0870 844 4546 http://www.usr.com/emailsupport/uk 8:45A.M.–5:45P.M.,M-F
For current support contact information, go to the U.S. Robotics Web site: http://www.usr.com
For regulatory and warranty information, refer to the User Guide on the Installation CD-ROM.