Try performing the ping procedure to make sure you can connect with different areas of the wire-
less network and the internet. If at any time during the ping procedure you do not receive a return
message for a successful ping, this means that you cannot connect to that IP address. After you
have made the corrections, continue with the ping procedure.
1Click Windows Start and then click Run. In the Run dialog box, Windows 98 and Me users
should type command and click OK. Windows 2000 and XP users should type cmd and
click OK.
2 At the command prompt, type Ping This is your local host address and this will
ensure that the TCP/IP protocol is installed and functioning properly. If you cannot com-
plete this ping, reinstall the TCP/IP protocol on your computer. Refer to your operating
system’s documentation for instructions.
3Type Ping followed by your IP address. To determine your IP address, refer to the previ-
ous Possible Solution. This will ensure that your computer is responding to requests and
that the 802.11g 54Mbps USB Adapter is properly installed. If you cannot complete this
ping, uninstall the 802.11g 54Mbps USB Adapter and repeat the installation procedure.
4Type Ping followed by your gateway address to check the communication with your gate-
way. The default gateway address is the IP address of your wireless router. Check your
wireless router to verify this address. This will ensure that you can connect to the wireless
network. If you cannot complete this ping, make sure your wireless settings are correct
and that the 802.11g 54Mbps USB Adapter is fully inserted into a USB port on your com-
5Type Ping followed by the outside Internet address that is provided by your ISP. This pro-
cedure will ensure that your wireless network can connect to the Internet. If you cannot
complete this ping, verify your internet connection between your modem and your wire-
less router or access point.
6Type Ping followed by your known DNS server address. This will allow you to resolve
valid Internet host names to IP addresses and to verify that you can access the Internet.
Security is enabled on my Wireless Router and my 802.11g 54Mbps USB Adapter
cannot connect.
Possible Solution:
The 802.11g 54Mbps USB Adapter supports 64 and 128 bit encryption. Verify that all of the secu-
rity features you have entered for the profile of your 802.11g 54Mbps USB Adapter match the set-
tings for your Wireless Router. For more information about setting up connection profiles and
security features, refer to the Navigating the Wireless Configuration Utility section of the User
Guide on the U.S. Robotics Installation CD-ROM.
Possible Solution:
If you created a Profile Setting, unplug the 802.11g 54Mbps USB Adapter and then plug it back in.
The U.S. Robotics Installation CD-ROM did not automatically launch when I inserted
the Installation CD-ROM.
Possible Solution:
Some programs may keep the autolaunch feature of the Installation CD-ROM from beginning.
Close any open applications and reinsert the Installation CD-ROM. If your CD-ROM still does not
automatically launch, click Windows Start, Run, and type D:\setup (if your CD-ROM drive uses a