Older Hardware and Software
2. Type cd /db/database/files
Type get pstswlog.db
3. Type cd /db/database/sw_log_backup
Type mget *.db
4. Type cd /db
Type get xrtc
Type get xe2t
Type get e2tpremortem.txt
Type mget premortem*.txt
5. Type cd /db/spylog
Type get system.wvr
6. Type cd /vmail /c/voxdrv
Type get diag.dat
Type get diag.sav
Type cd /vmail/c/vm
Type get master.dat
7. Type bye.
8. Zip all of the files in the folder that you created (c:\3300log in this
example) and send to Product Support in an e-mail with your problem
ticket number.
Collecting System Lockup Logs Manually
In the event of a system lockup for software prior to Release 5.2, complete
this procedure, then go to “To collect the logs through PC to controller
network connectivity:” on page 412. This procedure is needed to obtain
system.wvr logs and output from RTC console.
To prepare to for collecting system lockup logs:
1. Save the “HardResetHook” commands in a text file called sysinfo.txt.
The file is also available at ftp://ftp.mitel.com/outgoing/.
wvSpy 20, “system.wvr”, 3
HardResetHookAddTaskName “DRATask
. . .
. . .
2. FTP sysinfo.txt file into the db directory of the 3300 ICP:
At the DOS prompt, type cd c:\sysinfo.txt
Type ftp <ip address of the controller>