3300 ICP Technician’s Handbook
voice mail backup 128
Back up a database 128
APC-CX(i) Ibattery, replace 199
BRI framer 354
illustration 263
Browser cache, clear 135
Cabinets, installing 58
Cache, clear browser 135
adding user 410
hardware, all controllers 393
system 395
Cautions, replacing hard drives 204
CEPT DIP switch settings 264
hardware profile 116
the system 115
Checklist, installation 5
Cluster changes 102
Communication, establish between
PC and controller 25
Component options table 44
Component replacement notes 155
adding channels 293
adding DSPs (voice mail) 302
adding licenses 302
compression channels 393
conditions 293
enable software compression 409
IP phones 391
on T1/E2 Combo card 250
set compression 391
Configuration data
exporting 136
importing 137
Configuration wizard
description 70
installing and launching 72
Configure Windows DHCP 290
Connecting the PC
MXe server 14
MXe, CX, CXi, CX II, CXi II 13
alarm port pinout 258
alarms LEDs 349
cabinet numbering 249
CIM connector pinout 261
component options 44
components 242
configuring Layer 2 switch (MXe,
CXi, CXi II) 26
encryption support 390
establish communication between
PC and controller 25
hardware 242
hardware profile, verifying 116
port usage 389
power down 127
power up 14
programming DHCP settings 401
programming DHCP settings
(MXe, CX, CXi, CX II, CXi II) 76
rack mounting 51
RTC IP address (MXe, CX, CXi,
CX II, CXi II) 25
turning off 127
turning on 14
verifying connections 24
verifying operation of 36
Controller alarm LEDs 342
Controller card (AX), replacing 233
Controller modules
installation and replacement 164
installation notes 166
replacing in an AX 165
Controller power LEDs 342
Controller processor speed 44, 116