NOTE: Do not change position of the TPS or the throttle stop
screw at assembly. They have been changed at S&S
. Any
re-positioning will throw off calibration. See Picture 8.
1. Install Idle Air Control (IAC) Motor
a. Slide a new O-ring (included with the kit), over the
end of IAC motor (also included in the kit), and be
sure Vaseline or clean engine oil is applied to the
O-ring prior to assembly. See Picture 9.
b. Install the IAC motor onto the S&S VFI throttle
body. Do not tear the O-ring during assembly,
and be sure Vaseline or clean engine oil is
applied to the O-ring prior to assembly. Orient
the electrical connector so it points away from
the engine and throttle body. See Picture 10.
c. Coat the threads of the hex head M5x.8
screws included in kit with Loctite
(Purple). Use Loctite
242 if 222 is not
available. Fasten IAC motor to throttle body
and tighten screws to 20-24 in-lbs.
D. Install Fuel Rail, Manifolds and Throttle Body
1. Attach Fuel Rail/Manifolds Assembly to Engine
a. Partially thread the two provided
/16" -18 hex
head screws into the tapped holes where the
open-ended slots on the manifolds flanges will go.
NOTE: Verify that the provided
-18 x 1.00 screws will not
bottom out in the heads when attaching the manifolds. If the
screws provided are too long, use the original screws from
the old induction module assembly.
b. Apply a thin coating of silicone sealer on both
sides of manifold flange gaskets. Place a
manifold flange gasket on each port surface, with
the flat edge up. (The same gasket part number
is used for both front and rear ports). The
mounting holes/intake port alignment should be
verified before continuing. See Picture 11.
Picture 8
Throttle Position
Sensor (TPS)
Picture 9
Idle Air Control Motor
Picture 10
Throttle position screw
Picture 11
Connector pins face
away from engine.