BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide 53
Release 01.01 NN47928-102
Initial Setup
Table 14 lists the initial settings of the unit when it is shipped. It also references the
sections in this guide where the settings are discussed.
Table 14. Initial Settings
IP Interface
Initial Settings To change, go to:
eth0 IP address:
No IP mask
DHCP client is on (enabled)
“eth0 Configuration Com-
mand” (page 92)
eth1 IP address/mask:
DHCP client is off (disabled)
“LAN Interface (eth1)”
(page 102)
User Groups “User Groups” (page 64)
admins access: ssh + Web + cli + telnet + ftp
All access permissions
users access: Web + cli
User Accounts “User Accounts” (page 61)
admin access ssh + Web + cli + telnet + ftp
group1 admins
group2 users
group3 admins
group4 admins
group5 admins
password admin
user access Web + cli
group2 users
group3 users
group4 users
group5 users
password netcat
User Rights “User Rights” (page 66)
admin access read and write all objects,
including configuration com-
gname admins
object Admins
useradv access read
gname users
object Admins
userbasic access read + write
gname users
object Users