BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide 41
Release 01.01 NN47928-102
Connecting to the Device
NOTE: If the SSL key is deleted, new SSL connections cannot be created. To see
the status of the SSL key, enter show ssl key.
A new SSL key can be generated. The number of bits is constrained to 512, 768,
1024, or 2048. When the SSL key record is created or modified, a key generation task
is started. Key generation can take several minutes, depending on the size of the
key. When key generation starts, the key used by the SSL server is deleted; new SSL
connections cannot be created until a new key is available. When key generation
completes, the RSA key used by the SSL server is set to the newly generated key;
new SSL connections can then be created.
SSL Key Command
To generate a new SSL key, enter the following command:
> config ssl key
Table 8 describes the parameters for config ssl key.
A system administrator can use the SSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to generate
an X509 certificate, which can be self-signed by the SSL module or signed by an
external certificate authority (CA).
A single X509 CSR can be generated. Generating a CSR requires an SSL key. To see
the status of the SSL key, enter show ssl key.
NOTE: If the SSL CSR is deleted, new SSL connections cannot be created.
SSL CSR Command
To generate an SSL CSR, enter the following command:
> config ssl csr
Table 9 describes the parameters for config ssl csr.
Table 8. SSL Key Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
[type] Type of encryption key (RSA).
bits Number of bits in key (512 | 768 | 1024 | 2048).
Table 9. SSL CSR Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
[type] Certificate signing request type (x509).
country Two-letter country code. The default is US for the United
States; to see the most recent list, go to www.iso.org
state Full name of state or province (such as, California).