BSGX4e Business Gateway User Guide 43
Release 01.01 NN47928-102
Connecting to the Device
A single X509 certificate can be generated. When self-signed, the certificate is
derived from the current CSR record and key record.
NOTE: A self-signed certificate can be generated only if an SSL key record and an
SSL CSR record exist.
Alternately, you can import an SSL certificate using a file containing a certificate
signed by an external certificate authority (CA). The certificate must be in Privacy
Enhanced Mail (PEM) format with no header before the “----- BEGIN CERTIFICATE
-----” text. When a CA-signed certificate is imported, the certificate is checked to
ensure that it is in the correct PEM format. If the format is incorrect, the certificate
is not imported.
NOTE: If the SSL certificate is deleted, new SSL connections cannot be created.
SSL Certificate Command
To generate the SSL certificate, enter the following command:
> config ssl certificate
Table 10 describes the parameters for config ssl certificate.
SSL Configuration Example
This example generates an RSA key of 768 bits. It then generates an SSL CSR for the
Sells unit of the company EiffelGroup in Paris, France. Finally it generates a
self-signed SSL certificate.
> config ssl key rsa bits 768
*> config ssl csr x509 country FR no state locality Paris
orgname EiffelGroup orgunit Sells commonname
*> config ssl certificate x509 signed self
*> save
Show SSL Configuration
To verify the SSL configuration, enter the following commands:
> show ssl key
SSL Key:
Type rsa
Table 10. SSL Certificate Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
[type] Certificate type (x509).
signed Self-signs the current CSR (self | null).
import PEM format file from which to import the certificate.