Golf Performance Monitors PureFlight
Operating Guide
Version 1.3 www.zelocity.com 1-888-ZELOCITY 18 of 21
Not getting any readings from
shots using woods, long and
medium lofted irons.
Unit displays READY but will not
register golf shots.
Make sure the unit is positioned properly for the mode (1 or 2)
you are using.
¾ For MODE 1, position the unit 6” to the side of the ball and
6” behind the ball with the white front panel of the unit
pointing downrange, parallel with the target line.
¾ For MODE 2, plug the microphone into the microphone
extension cable and plug the other end of the cable into the
back panel of the unit. The unit should be placed behind the
ball along its intended flight path as indicated (see
PureFlight™ Set Up for MODE 2 instructions), with the
Mode 2 microphone cable stretched towards the ball. The
microphone should be placed 6” to the side of the ball,
pointed at the ball. (We recommend anchoring the
microphone with tape or golf tees.)
Make sure you have selected the proper mode.
¾ Press the MODE key, then "Down Arrow" or “Up Arrow”
to select the desired mode, then MODE again.
Make sure the microphone is plugged in fully and is positioned
Unexpected readings appear for
shots hit severely left or right of
the target line.
This can happen if the ball flight path and club head path after
impact are in approximately the same plane.
¾ Realign either the golfer’s target line or the unit so that the
white face of the PureFlight™ is aimed along the flight path
the ball is initially traveling.
Unexpected or inaccurate readings
for shots hit normally.
Ensure that the unit is set up properly:
¾ Check the handle position matches the mode you are using
¾ Check that WEDGE mode is ON for shots 75 yds or less
¾ Check that WEDGE mode if OFF for shots over 75 yards
¾ Check that the microphone is in
¾ If hitting into a net, check that the ball has at least 12 feet of
free flight before being caught in the net