Leica IP S
5. Operation
5.3 Alarm functions
The Leica IP S is equipped with two different alarm functions:
Instrument alarm
The printer has a beeper that emits acoustic signals indicating important
instrument states and functions.
• Uponpressingthebutton: 1shortbeepingsound
• Magazineempty/traystackfull: 2shortbeepingsounds
• Incaseoferror: 5shortbeepingsounds
• Whenendingtheheadcleaning: 5shortbeepingsounds
The beeper can be deactivated
by means of the DIL switches
at the back panel of the printer.
To deactivate the beeper, push
the switch at the very bottom
(60) to the right
(in the direction of the red
arrow in Fig. 45).
Fig. 45
Remote alarm
Additionally, an alarm can be installed outside the room in which the printer
• Theremotealarmdeviceisconnectedtotheprinterviaa3.5mm-
diameter jack connector (optional accessory) that is inserted into socket
• Theremotealarmistriggeredifnopowerissuppliedtotheprinterorif
the power switch at the back panel of the printer is switched off.
Back panel of instrument
The remote alarm device connected to the instrument must be rat-
ed at less than 100 mA. A maximum voltage of 24 V DC must not be
For details on how to connect a remote alarm device to the Leica
Printer IP S, please contact your local Leica sales office or the
manufacturer directly.