Leica IP S
5. Operation
CLEAN Cleaning the print head and carrying out a print test
Pressing CLEAN briefly
While a print job is in progress:
• Theprintjobisinterrupted."00" will appear in the display for about 2 s.
• Aprintheadcleaniscarriedoutandsubsequentlytheprintjobis
If no print job is in progress:
• A print head clean is performed immediately after "00" has been
Pressing CLEAN for a longer period of time (minimum 3 seconds)
While a print job is in progress:
• Theprintjobisinterrupted.Printerswitchestoofflinemode."00" will
appear in the display for about 2 s.
• Aprintheadcleanisperformedandsubsequentlyatestprintiscarried
out on the cassette currently being processed. The printer then remains
in offline mode to enable the user to verify the print quality before resum-
ing the current print job.
If necessary, an additional clean can be performed.
• Toresumeprinting,pressONLINE to return to online mode.
• Theprintjobisresumedwherepreviouslyleftoff.
If no print job is in progress:
• Theprinterswitchestoofflinemode.
• Allstepsareperformedasdescribedabove.
Pressing the CLEAN button briefly and then releasing it starts a print
head clean (indicated by "00" being displayed). The total duration of
the cleaning procedure can be extended to 10 seconds, if CLEAN is
pressed once more as soon as "00" is displayed. Hold CLEAN for as
long you wish to continue cleaning (max. duration = 10 sec).
When operating continuously, the printer pauses regularly for inter-
mediate print head cleans. Printing is interrupted for approximately
10 seconds, after which time the instrument automatically resumes