System Page
Date Settings
System Accounts
The System Page contains Administrative options. This page enables
administrator to reboot the device, set it to factory defaults, upload a new
firmware, backup or update the configuration and configure administrator’s
Device Name (Host name) is the system wide device identifier. SNMP Agent
reports it to authorized management stations. Device Name will be represented
in popular Router Operating Systems registration screens and discovery tools.
Device Name: specifies the system identity.
Interface Language: options change the look and feel of the Web
Management Interface while renaming the labels of all the configuration
settings and controls according to the translation in particular language. The
default language is English. The colors and the layout of all the web
elements are not changed after the change of the language.
Change button saves the Device Name if activated.
Additional language profiles may be uploaded. Please refer to this guide, which
describes how to import language profile used for translation of the user
Date Settings
Timezone: specifies the device's time zone according to GMT (Greenwich Mean
Time). Enable Startup Date: when enabled, you are able to modify the device’s
startup date. The Startup Date is the date the devices comes back after every
reboot; to maintain date and time updated configure the NTP Client feature on
the Services Page. Startup Date: specifies the device’s startup date. You may
select a date by pressing the “Calendar” icon, or input it manually; type the date
in the following order: 2 digits for the month, 2 digits for the day and 4 digits for
the year; i.e. for the May 6th 2010 type 05/06/2010.
System Accounts
In this section you can modify the administrator password to protect your device
from unauthorized configuration. The default administrator’s password should be
changed on the very first system setup:
Administrator Username: specifies the name of the system user.
Key button: press this button in order to change the Administrator
Current Password: administrator is required to enter a current
password. It is required for Password or Administrator Username change routine.
Default administrator login credentials:
* User Name: ubnt
* Password: ubnt
New Password: new password used for administrator authentication should be specified.
Verify Password: new password should be re-entered to verify its accuracy.
Note: password length is 8 characters maximum, characters after the 8th position will be truncated.
Enable Read-Only Account: click to enable the read-only account, and configure the username and password to protect your device
from unauthorized access. The default option is disabled.
Read-Only Username: specifies the name of the system user.
Key button: press this button in order to change the Real-only password.
New Password: new password used for read-only administrator authentication should be specified.
Show: check this checkbox in order to display the read-only password characters you have written.
Click Change button to save the changes.
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