Concurrent Dual Band Wireless N600 Gigabit Router
SSID Broadcast: Select “Enable”/“Disable” to make your wireless network
visible/ invisible to any wireless clients within coverage when they perform a
scan they perform a scan to see what’s available. When disabled, such wireless
clients will have to first know this SSID and manually enter it on their devices if
they want to connect to the SSID. By default, it is enabled.
SSID :A SSID (Service Set Identifier) is the unique name of a wireless network.
802.11 Mode: Select a right mode according to your wireless client. The default
mode is 11b/g/n mixed.
Channel: For an optimal wireless performance, you may select the least
interferential channel. It is advisable that you select an unused channel or
“Auto” to let device detect and select the best possible channel for your
wireless network to operate on from the drop-down list.
Channel Bandwidth: Select a proper channel bandwidth to enhance wireless
performance. When there are 11b/g and 11n wireless clients, please select the
802.11n mode of 20/40M frequency band; when there are only non-11n
wireless clients, select 20M frequency band mode; when the wireless network
mode is 11n mode, please select 20/40 frequency band to boost its
Extension Channel:Working network frequency range for 11n mode.
WMM-Capable:Enabling this option may boost transmission capacity of
wireless multimedia data (such as online video play).
ASPD Capable:Select to enable/disable the auto power saving mode.
Basic Settings-- 5G
Country: Select your country code from the drop-down list. There are 10
options available.
5GHz Wireless Network: Check/uncheck to enable/disable the 5GHz wireless
feature. If disabled, all 5GHz-based features will be disabled accordingly.