Concurrent Dual Band Wireless N600 Gigabit Router
The later WPA2 protocol features compliance with the full IEEE 802.11i standard
and uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in addition to TKIP encryption
protocol to guarantee better security than that provided by WEP or WPA.
Cipher Type: Select one cipher type from AES (advanced encryption standard),
TKIP (temporary key integrity protocol) or TKIP&AES.
Security Key: Enter a security key,which must be between 8-63 ASCII
Key Renewal Interval: Enter a valid time period for the key.
4.5.3 WPS Settings
Wi-Fi Protected Setup makes it easy for home users who know little of wireless
security to establish a secure wireless home network, as well as to add new devices
to an existing network without entering long passphrases or configuring
complicated settings. Simply enter a PIN code or press the software PBC button or
hardware WPS button (if any) and a secure wireless connection is established.
Enable WPS: Select to enable/disable the WPS encryption.
WPS Mode: Select PBC (Push-Button Configuration) or PIN.
Reset OOB: When clicked, the WPS LED turns off; WPS function will be disabled
automatically; WPS server on the Router enters idle mode and will not respond
to client’s WPS connection request.