Concurrent Dual Band Wireless N600 Gigabit Router
Enable: Check/uncheck to enable/disable current bandwidth entry.
IP Range: Enter a single IP or an IP range.
Upstream Bandwidth Limit: Max total upload bandwidth for a specified PC or
a range of PCs.
Downstream Bandwidth Limit: Max total download bandwidth for a specified
PC or a range of PCs.
P2P Download Control: Regulates P2P download rate to ensure each user a
guaranteed share of bandwidth.
Allocation Mode: Select either "Individual (Each member of the IP range shall
utilize the allocated bandwidth individually)" or "Collective (All members of
the IP range shall share the allocated bandwidth collectively)"
Allocation Policy: Select either "Utilize only the allocated bandwidth" or
"Utilize more bandwidth if available".
Description: Brief description of current entry.
1. Please note the bandwidth unit.
2. If you enable the P2P Download Control feature, it will limit P2P download rate
(smaller than the specified value) to ensure other applications such as web
browsing a reserved and guaranteed share of bandwidth.
3. If you select "Utilize more bandwidth if available", router will dynamically adjust
uplink/downlink bandwidth allocation to ensure defined and additional bandwidth
if available or only defined bandwidth.
For example:
If you want each PC within the IP range of to have up
to 2M uplink and 2M downlink bandwidth, and want to control P2P download
bandwidth, then config same settings as shown on the screen below on your