Command Reference Manual
100722A +GCI - Country of Installation
This extended syntax command selects and indicates the country of installation for the modem. This parameter selects the
settings for any operational parameters that need to be adjusted for national regulations or telephone networks.
Defined Values
<country_code> 8-bit country code from Annex A of T.35. The value is the hexadecimal equivalent of the T.35
code, with bit 8 treated as the most significant bit and bit 1 treated as the least significant bit.
The supported countries are:
Country Code Country Code Country Code
Australia 09 Hong Kong 50 Norway 82
Austria 0A Hungary 51 Philippines 89
Belgium 0F India 53 Poland 8A
Brazil 16 Ireland 57 Portugal 8B
Bulgaria 1B Israel 58 Russia B8
Canada 20 Italy 59 Singapore 9C
China 26 Japan 00 South Africa 9F
Czech and Slovak
Federal Republic
2E Korea 61 Spain A0
Denmark 31 Luxembourg 69 Sweden A5
Finland 3C Malaysia 6C Switzerland A6
France 3D Mexico 73 Taiwan FE
Germany 42 Netherlands 7B United Kingdom B4
Greece 46 New Zealand 7E United States B5
If the modem is specified for use in only one country, that country code is the default. Otherwise, the default is defined by the
OEM. Factory default is B5 (United States).
Reporting Current or Selected Values
Command: +GCI?
Response: +GCI: <current country_code>
Example: +GCI: 3D indicates that the modem is set for France.
Reporting Supported Range of Parameter Values
Command: +GCI=?
Response: +GCI: (<country_code>[,<country_code>[,<country_code].......]]
Example: +GCI: (20,73,B5) The modem can be set for Canada, Mexico or the United States.