Command Reference Manual
3-9 &F - Restore Factory Configuration (Profile)
The modem loads the factory default configuration (profile). The factory defaults are identified for each command and in the
S-Parameter descriptions. A configuration (profile) consists of a subset of S-Parameters.
Defined Values
<value> Decimal number corresponding to the selected configuration.
0 Restore factory configuration 0.
1 Restore factory configuration 1.
Result Codes
ERROR If the modem is connected. &T - Local Analog Loopback Test
The modem will perform the local analog loopback test if &T1 is selected. The test can be run only when in an asynchronous
operation in non-error-correction mode (normal), e.g., AT&Q6. To terminate the test in progress, the escape sequence must
be entered first (see Section 3.1.1).
Defined Values
<value> Decimal number corresponding to the selected option.
0 Terminates test in progress. Clears S16.
1 Initiates local analog loopback, V.54 Loop 3. Sets S16 bit 0. If a connection exists
when this command is issued, the modem hangs up. The CONNECT XXXX
message is displayed upon the start of the test. &Y - Designate a Default Reset Profile
This command selects which user profile will be used after a hard reset.
Defined Values
<value> Decimal number corresponding to the selected profile.
0 The modem will use profile 0.
1 The modem will use profile 1.
Result Codes
OK <value> = 0 to 1.
ERROR If <value> > 1, or if NVRAM is not installed or is not operational.