12 Clear-Com Encore
PS-702Two-Channel Power Supply
The 1RU PS-702 can deliver 1.2 amps at 30 volts DC
to two channels. This is sufcient to power up to 40
beltpacks, 10 speaker stations, or 12 headset stations
even under the most demanding conditions. Either
channel is capable of supplying up to 1.2 amps.
The full current capacity may be divided between
the two channels.
PK-7Lightweight Power Supply
The PK-7 power supply will support up to 30 Que-Com
headset stations or ve standard RS-700 series belt-
packs. It is line and load regulated and short-circuit
protected. Power supply ts into a single rack space.
PS-704Four-Channel Power Supply
The 1RU PS-704 is a four-channel power supply that
features Clear-Com’s “fail-safe” design for maximum
reliability. The power supply delivers 1.2 amps at 30 volts,
supplying power for one to four channels of intercom.
It will support up to 40 beltpacks, 10 speaker stations
or 12 headset stations.