10 Clear-Com Encore
The EF-701M interface converts a single channel of
standard or TW partyline intercom to four-wire audio,
while also converting call signals to RS-422 data (and
back). The resulting four-wire audio plus RS-422 data
can then be sent to a Clear-Com matrix port, ber optic
converter (modem) or connected to another EF-701M
over a twisted-pair cable such as CAT-5E.
TW-12CSystem Interface
The TW-12C connects one intercom system to another.
Optoisolation eliminates hums and buzzes. The interface
will compensate for level and impedance differences be-
tween systems. TW-12C allows Clear-Com-to-Clear-Com,
Clear-Com-to-RTS, and RTS-to-RTS system congurations.
The interface is powered by the connected intercom
system and translates “call” signals in both directions.
TW-47Two-Way Radio/Walkie-Talkie Interface
Compatible with both Clear-Com and RTS,
the TW-47
connects virtually any set of walkie-talkies to anyone
on the wired partyline intercom; simply use one
walkie-talkie as a base station. The base station radio
is keyed from the intercom call signal. Extensive RF
and EMI isolation prevent interference from entering
the intercom system. Separate transmit and receive
level controls are provided, along with audio level and
transmitter keying indicators. The stand-alone interface
is powered by the intercom line.
TWC-701 Cable Adaptor
The TWC-701 two-channel cable adapter combines
two intercom channels onto a single 3-pin XLR cable.
All two-wire (TW) beltpack models require this adapter
to support a two channel connection to a multi-channel
Clear-Com system. The TWC-701 module can drive up
to 15 RS-703 beltpacks.
IF4W4Four-Wire Interface
The IF4W4 four-channel interface connects Clear-Com
to TV cameras, two-way radios, satellite links, and other
communications devices through either headset jacks or
four-wire circuits. The IF4W4 has selective partyline capa-
bility, and features individual transmit, receive, and null
controls as well as transmit level indicators. Switchable
mic or line-level output for compatibility. The built-in test
jack and test tone provide quick nulling.