automatically assign IP, default gateway and DNS server addresses
to every PC on your LAN.
DNS Server 1: The Primary DNS server which is delivered to the LAN site
hosts via DHCP protocol.
DNS Server 2: The Secondary DNS server which is delivered to the LAN
site hosts via DHCP protocol.
To configure the LAN IPv6 network you need to click on “IPv6 network”:
Local IPv6 Address Configuration
EUI-64 Use EUI-64 algorithm to calculate link-local address from MAC
Use the Interface Identifier field to define a link-local address
Global IPv6 Address Configuration
Interface Address
(prefix length is
Configure static LAN IPv6 address and subnet prefix
DHCPv6 Configuration
Use stateless configuration
Use stateful configuration
Start interface ID: Start of interface ID to be assigned to dhcpv6
End interface ID: End of interface ID to be assigned to dhcpv6