• If you request a documents-only review, an
NCDS panel will review and decide your case.
Neither you, the dealer nor Chrysler need be
• NCDS will send you a written Statement of De-
cision. This statement will include the decision,
any action to be taken by the dealer or Chrysler
and the time by which the action must be taken.
The decision will be binding on the dealer and
Chrysler but not on you unless you accept the
• If any action is required on the part of the dealer
or Chrysler you will be contacted within ten (10)
days after the date by which the dealer or
Chrysler must act to determine whether perfor-
mance has been rendered.
• The entire dispute settlement process will nor-
mally take no longer than 40 days.
• The CAP dispute settlement procedure does not
take the place of any state or Federal legal rem-
edies available to you. Whether or not you de-
cide to submit your dispute to the Process, you
are free to pursue other legal remedies.