The CAP will need the following information from
you: 1) Legible copies of all documents and repair
orders relevant to your case, 2) Vehicle identifica-
tion number of your vehicle, 3) A brief description
of your unresolved concern, 4) The identity of your
servicing/selling dealer, 5) The date(s) of repair(s)
and mileage at the time, 6) Current mileage, and 7)
A description of the action you expect to resolve
your concern.
Upon receipt of your request:
• The National Center for Dispute Settlement
(NCDS) will acknowledge receipt of your re-
quest, by mail, within ten (10) days, and advise
you whether or not your dispute is within the
jurisdiction of the Process.
• When your request is within jurisdiction NCDS
will request Chrysler and the dealer to present
their side of the dispute. You will receive copies
of their responses.
• While your dispute is pending NCDS or Chrysler
may contact you to see if your case can be
settled by agreement. If a settlement is offered to
you, Chrysler will ask you to sign a form that
contains that settlement. Your case will then be
closed. There is no requirement for you to par-
ticipate in this settlement process.
• If you requested an oral hearing, a decision-
maker will contact you to arrange a convenient
time and place for a hearing. Usually, this will be
at a dealership near you.