Contact 502A
Wharfedale Contact 502A Wireless microphones are the
result of many years of experience in the use, design and
manufacturing of professional audio products.We take great
pride in engineering and building every Whar fedale Pro
microphone and wish to thank you for entrusting us with your
Please take a few minutes to read this manual completely in
order to ensure that you get the most out of your Contact 502A
Wireless microphone.
Thank you for selecting the Contact 502A dual-channel UHF
wireless microphone system. This system can receive signals
from two microphones simultaneously. It uses digital circuitry
to distinguish the intensity of the signals received by the two
Each channel has a volume control, function buttons and
is controlled by a dedicated CPU. An LED display Shows
infor mation for each channel. Function buttons include:
The SY N C bu t to n a l l o w s t h e u s e r t o q uic k l y l o c k th e
receiving and transmitting frequencies of the microphone
transmitter system. The Contact 502A can seamlessly change
frequencies quickly and select compatible channels without
the need to mute mixer channels or output devices. The
Contact 502A is packaged in a 1U rack mount chassis.