Wait by Outcome report 7-82
Chapter 7: Running Contact Center Reports
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
Data tab
The Data tab displays the following information:
Interval. Each interval during the reporting period is displayed as a separate row.
Inbound calls. Total number of inbound calls.
Outbound calls. Total number of outbound calls.
Average Talk Time Inbound (minutes). Average talk time per inbound call.
Average Talk Time Outbound (minutes). Average talk time per outbound call.
Total Calls. Total number of calls.
Total Talk Time. Total talk time in minutes for all calls.
Wait by Outcome report
The Wait by Outcome report shows how long callers waited before their calls were handled,
abandoned, to voicemail, or transferred out of the queue.
The following fields appear in this report:
Interval. Displays on the x-axis of the report.
Average wait - Handled, Average wait - voicemail, Average wait - Abandoned, Average
wait - Transferred out of Queue.
Displays as bars. Read against the y-axis of the report.
Note the following:
• Calls in which the caller pressed a key to go to voicemail are counted under voicemail.
• Calls that are redirected to voicemail are not counted in this report.
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1