Wave database schema A-3
Appendix A: Creating Custom Reports
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
The CallLog table
The CallLog table contains data for each completed call. At the completion of each call, a single
row is added to the table. The majority of columns in the table contain redundant data that can
be found in other tables; they are included only to speed up data retrieval for the Administrator
and ViewPoint application Call Log views.
The following are columns are unique to the CallLog table:
Name Description
ID Unique identifier for the call.
Direction of the call from the point of view of the Wave Server:
0 = Inbound
1 = Outbound
2 = Internal (station to station)
3 = Conference
Timestamp for when the call started. This is when the Wave
Server picks up the call.
Timestamp for when the call ended. This is when the Wave
Server drops the call.
ID of the row in the PhoneBookEntry table that is associated
with this call. This is either the user or contact that one of the
users associated with the call.
AssocFirstName First name of the associated person.
AssocLastName Last name of the associated person.
HoldTime Number of seconds the caller was on hold.
Separated list of all PhoneBookEntry ID values that were
involved in the call. This is used to speed performance of loading
the Call Log views.
PartyCount Number of parties in the call.
AnsweredBy PhoneBookEntry ID of the person who answered the call.
AnsweredByFirstName First name of the person who answered the call.
AnsweredByLastName Last name of the person who answered the call.
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1