Checklist - these points MUST be checked to ensure a quality installation.
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Issue: C 05/24/05
Accessory Function Checks
Fit appropriate fuse before beginning.
Press and release the remote control's lock
button to start the system's arming process.
Wait 30 seconds.
Press and release the remote control's
unlock button to disarm the system.
Press and release the remote control's
unlock button again within 3 seconds of
disarming the system.
Open and close the driver's door.
Arm and disarm the system with the remote
again, then wait 30 seconds.
Press and release the remote control's
unlock button again to stop the arming
Open the driver's door, then press and
release the remote control's lock button.
Close the driver's door.
1. The tail and marker lights flash once.
The buzzer chirps once.
All doors lock.
The Status Monitor's LED lights up.
2. After 30 seconds, the LED starts
flashing; the system is now armed.
3. The tail and marker lights flash twice.
The buzzer chirps twice.
The interior lights turn on for thirty
The driver's door unlocks.
The Status Monitor's LED stops
4. The tail and marker lights flash twice.
The buzzer chirps twice.
All remaining doors unlock.
5. The doors automatically relock.
The system automatically starts the
arming process.
6. Refer to Step 3.
7. The buzzer sounds continuously for 5
8. The buzzer stops sounding.