In the
LAN Destination Tab
, choose the slot to be configured. This should
be the same slot that you have selected in the Alert Policy Entry-
Destination Selector field. That is if you have chosen the Destination
Selector as 4 in the Alert Policy Entry page of Alert Policy Tab, then you
have to configure the 4th slot of LAN Destination Page.
Select the slot and click
. This opens the
Add LAN Destination entry
In the
LAN Destination
field, the destination for the newly configured
entry is displayed and this is a read only field.
In the
Destination Type
field, select the one of the types.
Destination Address If Destination type is SNMP Trap, then enter the IP
address of the system that will receive the alert.
Destination address will support the following:
• IPv4 address format.
• IPv6 address format.
If Destination type is Email Alert, then give the email
address that will receive the email.
Subject & Message These fields must be configured if email alert is
chosen as destination type. An email will be sent to the
configured email address in case of any severity events
with a subject specified in subject field and will
contain the message field's content as the email body.
Add To save the new LAN destination and return to LAN
destination list.
Cancel To cancel the modification and return to LAN
destination list.
Table 1-23. PEF Management - LAN Destination