Mileage (Km)
Maintenance Item
5000 15000
Engine oil: Replace it ★ ★ ★
Oil cleaner: Replace it ★ ★ ★
Transmission oil: Check the oil level, quality, color, and refill it, if necessary ★ ★ ★
Engine: Check the leakage (engine oil, antifreeze fluid, fuel, A/C system, etc) ★ ★ ★
Battery: Check the electrolyte level, and refill the distilled water if necessary
(equipped with the maintenance-free battery)
★ ★
Timing belt: Check the wear and tension, and adjust or replace it if necessary ★
Engine hood hinge and lock body: Lubricate it ★ ★ ★
Door hinge and door stopper: Lubricate it ★ ★ ★
Spark plug: Check it, and replace it, if necessary ★ ★
Air cleaner: Clean its housing, clear the element, and replace its element, if necessary
★ ★ ★
A/C filter: Check its cleanness, and replace it, if necessary ★ ★
Ignition timing: Check it ★ ★ ★
Fuel cleaner: Replace it ★
Wedge-shaped belt: Check its tension, and adjust or replace it, if necessary ★ ★
Transmission: Check its leakage or damage ★ ★
Dust cap of constant velocity universal joint: Check its damage ★ ★ ★
Steering tie rod end: Check its free play and the damage of dust cap ★ ★ ★
Protective sleeve of steering universal joint assy: Check its dislocation or damage ★ ★
Hand brake: Check its travel and adjust it, if necessary ★ ★
Brake lining/shoe: Check its thickness, and replace it, if necessary ★ ★ ★
Brake disc/drum: Check its working condition, damage, and replace it, if necessary ★ ★
Vehicle bottom protector: Visually check its damage ★
Seat belt: Check its damage ★ ★
Toe-in value, camber angle: Check it, and adjust it, if necessary ★ ★
Ball pin: Check its clearance ★ ★
Rubber rear axle hingle: Check its damage
★ ★
Steering knuckle/front wheel bearing: Check the looseness of connection, abnormal
Engine oil pan bolt: Check its looseness, and tighten it if necessary
Control arm rubber sleeve: Check its damage ★ ★
Brake hose: Check its ageing, damage ★ ★
Brake pipe: Check its damage, corrosion and the leakage at any joint ★ ★
Suspension components: Check its abnormal looseness or friction, damage, and
normal working
★ ★ ★
All joints of fuel system: Check its ageing, damange, abnormal looseness or friction ★