cylinder with cubic footage and pressure to completely deploy the water & foam solution when
both are filled to the correct level & pressure. This system shall also be installed with the proper
plumbing and regulators, gauges, and controls needed to safely pressurize and depressurize the
system when fire suppression operations are starting or have been completed. Included in this
system shall be pre-piped hose reel. This hose reel shall contain a minimum of 100 feet of high
pressure 1” hose and contain the proper nozzle to deliver a quality finished foam solution. Design
and installation shall be reviewed and approved prior to installation.
There shall be provided within the cab directly behind the dog house an elevated area large enough
to place a patient of normal size 6’-0” 230lbs strapped to a back board in the cab should protection
from the elements be needed while providing care while waiting for transport opportunities. (Note:
This is NOT a transport area and is intended to be used only as stated) It shall be elevated to an
agreeable height within the cab so as to allow the loading & loading of the board as well as storage
underneath for equipment.
There shall be an allowance of $25,000.00 provided by the bidder for mounting of department
supplied equipment included within the pricing of this unit. A recording shall be kept of all
expenditures and provided to the Town upon request. Materials shall be invoiced at no more than
the generally recognized Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. Further each bidder shall provide
their equipment mounting labor rate
Labor rate per hour: $
There shall be no other mark-ups allowed.
The Town reserves the right to omit or modify this allowance after review of the apparatus at final
inspection or anytime during the process without enduring additional change order costs.
Lettering shall be provided by the bidder. An allowance of $2000.00 shall be included within the
proposal price for lettering as directed by the Town. The exact lettering layout shall be determined
at the final inspection or during equipment mounting.
The completed apparatus shall be driven from the factory to the dealer’s location by the dealer’s
staff driver
Service is of the utmost importance to the department. The service center shall have the following
as a minimum.
The service center shall be owned by the factory or dealer. Third parties with no financial or other
ties to this apparatus shall be deemed acceptable service centers.
The service center shall have the ability and experience to work unrestricted with component
manufactures for ease in warranty replacement parts as or if required.