F. Unless otherwise specified, a minimum of one (1) copy of complete, as delivered apparatus and
chassis operation and general maintenance instructions including, but not limited to the chassis,
engine, transmission, axles, and lubrication charts shall be supplied.
The manufacturer shall warrant the entire apparatus proposed, manufactured and/or assembled by
them to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a
period of one (1) year from date of delivery to the Town. Each bidder shall submit with their
proposal a copy of the warranty to be furnished.
The manufacturer shall warrant that the cab proposed shall not be structurally damaged inside or
out by rust and/or corrosion for a period of ten (10) years. Each bidder shall submit with their
proposal a copy of the warranty to be furnished.
The manufacturer shall warrant the proposed frame against structural failure from bending or
cracking for the entire period the chassis is owned by the original Town or end-user. Each bidder
shall submit with their proposal a copy of the warranty to be furnished.
Applicable extended warranties for certain major components such as the axles, engine,
transmission, apparatus body, and related components, etc. shall be provided as noted elsewhere in
the specifications.
Bids shall only be accepted from a single source apparatus manufacturer. The definition of single
source shall be "a manufacturer that designs and manufactures their products using an integrated
approach, including the cab and chassis, and apparatus body being fabricated and assembled on the
bidder's premises". The warranties relative to the chassis and body design (excluding component
warranties such as engine, transmission, axles, etc.) must be from a single source manufacturer and
not split between manufacturers (i.e. body and chassis). The bidder shall provide evidence that
they comply with this requirement. No exceptions will be permitted to this section of the
It shall be mandatory for any prospective bidder that deviates from the proposed specifications to
give a full description of all deviations.
When the bidder checks the "yes" column in the bid the bidder is making testimony that the bidder
is in full compliance with the entire paragraph.
Where bidder's specifications and/or construction differ in any way from the bid specification, a
full and complete description in specification shall be required. Drawings shall also be required to
show alternative construction methods. Partial descriptions, or general clarifications covering
groups of sections of the specification, shall be unacceptable and shall be cause for complete
rejection of the bid.
Proposals taking total exception to the purchase specifications contained herein shall not be
accepted and the bidder's proposal shall be deemed non-responsive and treated accordingly.