A Lubrication section shall be provided in the manual. This section shall provide all lubricant
types and capacities for the vehicle. Included in this section of the manual shall be lubrication
diagrams to visually locate the lubrication points of the vehicle.
An electronic Electrical System Manual shall be provided. This manual shall provide complete
wiring schematics for the vehicle.
The manual shall be provided with diagrams of the vehicle showing the wiring harness routing
within the vehicle. Each of these diagrams shall include the connectors between the harnesses that
provide a hyperlink to a drawing of the actual connector where pin functions can be examined.
Schematics for each system of the vehicle shall be provided with hyperlinks to the connectors for
pin designations and to the vehicle drawings for harness location within the vehicle.
An electronic Air System Manual shall be provided. This manual shall provide complete air
system schematics for the vehicle. The manual shall be provided with diagrams of the vehicle
showing the air tubing routing within the vehicle.
Schematics for each system of the vehicle shall be provided with hyperlinks to the air tanks and
valves and to the vehicle drawings for exact location within the vehicle.
Additional documentation to be provided:
A vehicle build sheet shall be provided. This build sheet shall include the major assemblies used in
construction of the vehicle. Final inspection data including the serial numbers of the engine,
transmission, axles, and tires equipped on the vehicle.
Bids shall be submitted in accordance with the following instructions:
1. This exhibit shall be completed and returned with the appropriate "yes" or "no" marked by each
paragraph in the "Bidder Complies" column. A paragraph indicated with both the "yes" and "no"
column unmarked or marked shall be considered non-responsive and treated accordingly.
2. Each bidder shall submit their own proposal specifications, detailing their construction. This is
necessary to evaluate each bidder's actual intent of building the equipment as specified herein. The
bidder's proposal format shall be the same order as these specifications to allow the Town to
compare all bids easily and prevent confusion. Failure to comply shall be cause for rejection of the
3. Each bid shall include the weight ratings, wheelbase, principal dimensions, transmission and
axle ratios, and a certified brake horsepower curve showing the maximum no load governed speed
of the engine proposed.
4. Failure to submit detailed information or drawings where specified herein shall result in
rejection of the bid.
5. Bids shall be returned in a sealed envelope clearly marked "BID FOR FIRE APPARATUS".
Facsimile bids are not acceptable.
6. Verbal bids and changes in the bid price after the bid opening prior to award shall not be
allowed. Any such attempt shall not be accepted and cause immediate rejection of the entire bid.