19HP Technology Services are governed by the applicable HP terms and conditions of service provided or indicated to Customer at the time of purchase.
• Destroy the retained data-retentive component and/or ensure that is not put into use again
• Dispose of all retained data-retentive components in compliance with applicable
environmental laws and regulations
For data-retentive components supplied by HP to the Customer as loaned, rental, or lease
products, the Customer will promptly return the replacement components at the expiration
or termination of support with HP. The Customer will be solely responsible for removing all
sensitive data before returning any such loaned, rented or leased components or products
to HP, and HP shall not be responsible for maintaining the condentiality or privacy of any
sensitive data that remains on such components.
General provisions/Other exclusions
HP will acknowledge a call by logging a case, communicating the case ID to the Customer and
conrming the Customer’s incident severity and time requirements for the start of remedial
action. Note: For events received via HP electronic remote support solutions, HP is required
to contact the Customer, determine the incident severity with the Customer and arrange
access to the system before the hardware call-to-repair time or hardware on-site response
time period can start.
On-site hardware support response times and call-to-repair time commitments, as well as
software support remote response times, may dier depending on incident severity. The
Customer determines the incident severity level.
Incident severity levels are dened as follows:
• Severity 1—Critical Down: for example, the production environment is down; a production
system or production application is down or at severe risk; data corruption, loss, or risk has
occurred; business is severely aected; there are safety issues
• Severity 2—Critically Degraded: for example, the production environment is severely impaired;
a production system or production application has been interrupted or compromised; there
is risk of reoccurrence; there is signicant impact on business
• Severity 3—Normal: for example, a non-production system (e.g., test system) is down or
degraded; a production system or production application has been degraded with a workaround
in place; non-critical functionality has been lost; there is limited impact on the business
• Severity 4—Low: there is no business or user impact
Ordering information
All units and options with individually sold HP Care Pack services must be ordered with the
same service level as the product or enclosure that they are installed in, if that service level
is available on those units.
Proactive Care is not designed to be sold on software-only congurations due to the integrated
nature of the service deliverables. Thus, the software and hardware should be sold at the
same Proactive Care service level.
Local availability: The Customer may order support from HP’s current support oerings.
Some oerings, features and coverage (and related products) may not be available in all
countries or areas.
To order the service with the comprehensive defective material retention service feature, the
defective media retention service feature must also be ordered.