DPI Dots per inch
Decal Decals are laminated prints with some adhesive applied to the back.
Dimensional Stability Ability of a material to retain its original dimensions when subjected to specific
exposure conditions.
Dither The process of distributing dots to create the appearance of a solid hue and
tint. The dither patterns used in inkjet printing will determine the sharpness,
colour, contrast, and saturation of a print.
Durability The time period a graphic will retain an acceptable appearance for it’s intended
use under the specific exposure conditions (eg: indoor, moderate = normal
office environment with limited window exposure and outdoor, moderate =
climate with mild temperature ranges, low humidity, and minimal ambient UV
and pollution exposure).
E ______________________________________________________________
Elongation Increase in length of material brought on by extending it to breaking point.
Emulsion A dispersion of fine particles or globule of a liquid normally incompatible
Encapsulate When the top and bottom laminates extend past the edge of a print, they form
a bond that seals out dirt and moisture. This aids in outdoor durability. Proper
temperature and pressure required for an even, permanent seal.
F ______________________________________________________________
Face Material Any paper, film, fabric, etc. adhesive coated on the backside. In laminates, it
is the material to display image.
Fading The process of degradation of colour brilliancy.
Failure Rate Actual number of prints or "Finishing Material" destroyed during the production
process. The print provider can have a print failure without a "Finishing
Material" failure. But a "Finishing Material" failure always results in a
destroyed print.
Final trim Final trim is the actual size of the finished print, usually as displayed.
Finish Surface property of a material determined by its surface contour and gloss.
Finishing Material Generic term representing any number of materials in post-print production
for application assembly. An example of a "Finishing Material" would be
banner vinyl used in the assembly of the application Indoor Vinyl Banner.
Fleet Markings General term applied to decals (for promotion) or pressure sensitive
applications designed and produced for customers having more than one-
company owned vehicle for business use, delivery transport use, etc.
G ______________________________________________________________
Gloss Light-reflective property of a surface measured in gloss units.
H ______________________________________________________________
Haze Property of transparent film that appears as a reduced look-through
Heat Resistance The ability of a material to resist physical or chemical changes caused by
exposure or elevated temperatures.
Hue A colour’s name
I ______________________________________________________________
Ink Coverage Ink coverage is the coverage at a particular point on the surface of the media
(i.e., 0-400% ink) and varies throughout an image.