Saturation The relative colourfulness or chromaticity of a colour
Secondary Colour The colour that results when two primaries are added or mixed together.
Shade The result of adding black to a pure hue
Silvering A problem occurring during lamination. It is seen as a silver sheen or
discolouration in dark areas. The silvering is produced by very small bubbles in
the adhesive layer of the laminate, usually indicating separation due to low
pressure, low heat, or high speed.
Solvent Resistance The resistance of a pressure sensitive material to the action of specific organic
Stiffness The property of a material that enables it resist bending forces
Substrate The surface to which a self-adhesive material is to be adhered.
T _____________________________________________________________
Tack The property of a pressure sensitive material that causes it to adhere to a
surface under conditions of low pressure and short contact.
Tear Strength Property measured by the force required to tear a specimen under specified
test conditions.
Tensile Strength The force required to break a material under specified test conditions.
Tint The result of adding white to a pure hue
Translucent Transmitting light in a diffuse manner so that the object beyond cannot be
clearly distinguished, partly transparent
Transparency The light transmission rate of a clear film
Transmitted Colours that are seen through a transparent or translucent object
Trim The final size of a finished graphic. Usually the final trim is the size of the print
as it is displayed.
U _____________________________________________________________
UV light An invisible light radiation. This may change properties of paper, plastics or
inks after prolonged exposure.
UV Stabilizer A chemical compound which absorbs UV - radiation selectively, preventing or
delaying a change in characteristics of a plastic material or adhesive.
V _____________________________________________________________
Value A colour’s lightness, darkness, or brightness.
Voids Small circular non-imaged areas with or without dark centers. Voids can be
partially coloured with one or more colours.
W _____________________________________________________________
Water fast/Water Resistant Ability to withstand the effects of water with minimal or acceptable change.
Water Proof The ability to be unaffected by water.
Weather-ability The ability of a material to withstand the effects of exposure to weather
conditions, without significant change in physical or chemical properties.
Weather Testing Material is subjected to the actual environments that they need to be used in
(accelerated weathering is not possible).
White, Black & Gray Colours that have no hue, only value.
Worms Wiggly coloured streaks in image. Can show in many ways. For example,
could appear to look like trails of water droplets or a finger painting.
Wrinkle Folds, wrinkles, or stretch marks in media.