WLAN Router
IP Filtering 79
IP ltering for TCP with specied IP 80
IP ltering for UDP with specied IP 81
IP ltering for both TCP and UDP with specied IP 82
MAC Filtering 83
MAC ltering for specied MAC Address 83
Port Forwarding 84
Port Forwarding for TCP with specied IP 85
Port Forwarding for UDP with specied IP 86
URL Filtering 87
URL ltering for specied URL Address 87
DMZ 88
DMZ Host IP Address 88
Status 89
Statistics 90
Dynamic DNS 90
Congure DynDNS 92
Congure TZO 93
Time Zone Setting 94
Denial-of-Service 95
Log 97
Firmware Update 98
Manually updating rmware 98
Save/Reload Settings 99
Save Settings to File 99
Load Settings from File 100
Resetting to Defaults 100
Password 102
Logout 104
Logout 104
Conguring your Computers 105
Conguring Ethernet PCs 105
IP Addresses, Network Masks, and Subnets 108
IP Addresses 108
Subnet masks 109
UPnP Control Point Software on Windows ME/XP 110
UPnP Control Point Software on Windows ME 110
UPnP Control Point Software on Windows XP with Firewall 110
Troubleshooting 112
Troubleshooting Suggestions 112
Diagnosing Problem using IP Utilities 113
Glossary 115
Environment protection: 123