Conguring WPA (TKIP) HEX (64 characters) security 31
Conguring WPA2 (AES) Passphrase security 32
Conguring WPA2 (AES) HEX (64 characters) security 32
Conguring WPA2 (Mixed) Passphrase security 33
Conguring WPA2 (Mixed) HEX (64 characters) security 33
Operation Mode 34
Wireless Network 34
Basic Settings 34
Advanced Settings 35
Security 36
WEP + Encryption Key 37
WEP + Use 802.1x Authentication 39
WPA/WPA2/WPA2 Mixed + Personal (Pre-Shared Key) 39
WPA/WPA2/WPA2 Mixed + Enterprise (RADIUS) 40
Access Control 42
Allow Listed 42
Deny Listed 43
WDS settings 43
Site Survey 48
WPS 51
Introduction of WPS 51
Supported WPS features 52
AP mode 52
AP as Enrollee 52
AP as Registrar 52
AP as Proxy 52
Infrastructure-Client mode 53
Instructions of AP’s and Client’s operations 53
Wireless Advanced Settings page 53
Operations of AP - AP being an enrollee 54
Operations of AP - AP being a registrar 59
Push Button method 61
Warning pop-up windows of AP 63
Un-supported mode in WPS 63
Un-supported security in WPS 64
LAN Interface 64
LAN Interface Setup 64
Changing the LAN IP address and subnet mask 65
Show Client 67
WAN Interface 67
Conguring Static IP connection 69
Conguring DHCP Client connection 71
Conguring PPPoE connection 73
Clone MAC Address 75
Port Filtering 77
Port ltering for TCP port 80 77
Port ltering for UDP port 53 78