WLAN Router
WLAN Router
Introduction 3
Features 3
Parameters that you need to congure the Wireless Gateway 4
What the Internet/WAN access of your own Network now is 5
Internet/WAN access is the DHCP client 6
Internet/WAN access is the Static IP 6
Internet/WAN access is the PPPoE client 7
Congure the Obtain an IP Address automatically for LAN Card 8
Getting to know the device 11
Parts Check 11
Front Panel 11
Front Panel and LEDs 11
Rear and Right Panel 12
Connecting your device 13
Easy Setup 14
WAN Conguration: 14
DHCP Client 14
PPPoE Client 16
Fixed IP 17
Getting Started with the Web pages 18
Accessing the Web pages 18
Testing your Setup 19
Quick Setup 21
Operation Mode Setup 21
Wireless ISP 22
WAN Interface Setup 22
Static IP 23
DHCP Client 23
PPPoE 24
Wireless Basic Setup 24
AP (Access Point) 24
Main WDS station: 25
Repeater WDS stations: 25
WDS (Wireless Distribution System) only 26
AP (Access Point) + WDS (Wireless Distribution System) 26
Wireless Security Setup 27
Conguring WEP 64bit ASCII (5 characters) security 28
Conguring WEP 64bit Hex (10 characters) security 29
Conguring WEP 128bit ASCII (13 characters) security 29
Conguring WEP 128bit Hex (26 characters) security 30
Conguring WPA (TKIP) Passphrase security 31