22 Chapter 1 Understanding remote management
P0604573 05
Gathering information before you start
Gather the following information before you attempt to add customer sites to the ICSRT database:
Customer information
Identification (ID)
You need to know the unique system number for the Norstar
system you want to add.
If your customer does not know this number, get them to
check in programming. (on the programming set, press SHOW
at the Software keys prompt)
System software
name and version
If you are using workbooks, you will need to know the software
region and version of the Norstar system.
Customer Name
This is the name of the company or business that owns the
Norstar system.
This setting may not be unique, as a customer may own more
than one system.
KSU location
This is where the Norstar ICS is located on site.
This is the business address of the customer.
This is the name of person at the customer site who
coordinates Norstar programming and troubleshooting.
Phone number
This is the phone number of the contact person. Remember to
include an area code.
Install date
This is the date the Norstar system was installed.
Connection Properties
RAD phone
This is the number which will be answered by RAD at the
Norstar location if you are calling into the RAD over a phone
line. This number can be supplied by the technician who set
up the RAD.
RAD password
The RAD is delivered without a password. The installation
technician may have changed it. If not, the customer needs to
program an 8-to-10-digit password through set programming.
COM Port
This is the communication port on the personal computer that
ICSRT uses to communicate with the Norstar system.
Connect type
Determine how your computer will connect to the RAD:
Refer to “Explaining RAD connections” on page 16.
Baud rate
Determine the modem speed required to communicate with
the Norstar system.
Refer to “Modem settings” on page 26.
Dial mode
If you are using a modem to connect to the system, determine
whether the system requires pulse or tone signals.
Modem init String
Determine if the modem you are using requires additions to or
subtractions from the default string.