20 Chapter 1 Understanding remote management
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Figure 5 Pinouts for direct connect, Global RAD to computer
Remote system management using ICSRT
ICSRT provides you with the configuration ability of the on-site telephone programming, as well
as a tool to schedule an off-site backup and to restore that backed-up information to the Norstar
A folder on your computer contains Customer and connection information in a database (.mdb)
file (Figure 6). This allows you to quickly identify the system you want to manage, and to quickly
connect to the system by whatever method has been used to connect to the remote system. The
connection record for each customer indicates what type of connection exists.
Configuring a system using ICSRT is accomplished using one of three formats, all located under
the Run Tool menu on the main ICSRT screen.
•The Remote Set tool and the Browser tool provide two different ways to configure a Norstar
system directly from your computer.
• OLP Worksheets are customizable Excel spreadsheets that can be filled in separately from
ICSRT. These files are also stored in the same folder where the customer database is stored
(Figure 6). You can use worksheets to both send configuration information to a Norstar
system, and to upload existing information (acquire) from the Norstar system into the
worksheets. Each version of MICS/CICS software has a workbook that includes all the
features for that version.
Remotely backing up a Norstar system is accomplished by initiating an immediate backup, or by
scheduling backups to occur at preset intervals. Backup files can be restored to the Norstar system
by initiating an immediate restore, or by scheduling a restore to occur on a preset date at a preset
time. Scheduled backup files for each customer are stored within the same folder as the customer
database (Figure 6). If you use the Backup Restore tool to perform an immediate backup, the files
are stored at <ICSRT installed path>\backup\ in a file called FNVRAM.new, unless you indicate
a different path on the Backup Restore screen.
Global RAD/
9-pin, D-type
male connector
Computer port
25-pin, D-type
female connector
Computer port
9-pin, D-type
female connector
Global RAD/
25-pin, D-type
male connector
2RX 3
3TX 2
8CTS 5
2RX 2
3TX 3