NOTE; The 115 and 230 v control wiring are identicai.
Fig. 6 — Typical Control Wiring Schematic
Pump and Motor — The pump is designed for vac
uum and pressure duty. The pump is splash lubricated and
operates in conjunction with an oil separator. It is directly
coupled to and driven by a 3/4-hp motor. The coupling be
tween the pump and motor has a rubber insert to compen
sate for slight misalignment. Start and stop the pump by
using the toggle switch located next to the pump. A tank
pressure switch set at 10 psig (69 kPa) and a tank level
switch set 90% full will shut off the pump if either limit is
reached. See Table 1 for additional information on the pump
and motor.
Oil Separator — The oil separator removes the oil that
is mixed with the discharge gas leaving the pump. The dif
ferential pressure between the oil separator and the pump
crankcase returns the oil to the pump through the float valve
in the oil separator when the specified oil level is achieved
in the oil separator.
Heater — A 1500 watt, etched-foil, electric heater is at
tached to the bottom of the storage tank. See Fig. 2. The
heater is encased in an insulated protective cover and is con
trolled by a toggle switch.
Use the heater when refrigerant recycling by distillation
is necessary. When the heater toggle switch is in the ON
position, the indicating light, located next to the toggle switch,
will be lit. A pressure switch will shut off the heater if the
tank pressure reaches 10 psig (69 kPa) when heating
Tube-in-Tube Condenser — A tube-in-tube con
denser allows refrigerant vapor to be condensed when re
moving vapor from a chiller or when distilling refrigerant.
Garden hose connections (3/4 in.) are provided for condens
ing water. Condensing water temperature should be as low
as possible to minimize the time required to complete an
operation. A water flow rate of 2 gpm (.012 L/s) at 70 F
(21 C) is normally adequate.
Level Gage — A geared, float level gage displays the
storage tank’s percentage of full capacity of liquid refrig
erant. The actual level of refrigerant will vary based upon
temperature and the type of refrigerant used. See Fig. 4
and 7.
Water Separation Sight Glass — A water separa
tion sight glass is located above the liquid valve. Use the
water separation sight glass to view the refrigerant/water
interface when separating water from the refrigerant. See
Fig. 4.
Purge Separator Assembly — Use the manual hand
valve on the purge separator assembly to remove noncon
densable gases that may accumulate in the storage tank dur
ing vapor recovery. The purge separator assembly contains
a water coil, 1/16-in. orifice, and 1/2-in. ball valve. The
bottom of the purge separator assembly opens into the stor
age tank. See Fig. 8.