Adjusting the height of the upper rack
to place bulky crockery in the lower rack and low position to
make the most of the tip-up compartments by creating more
space upwards.
It is strongly recommended to never adjust height position
when the rack is loaded.
NEVER raise or lower the rack on one side only.
If the rack is equipped with a Lift-Up device
, lift it up
by holding its sides. To restore the lower position, press the levers
Unsuitable crockery
• Woodencrockeryandcutlery.
• Delicate decorated glasses, artistic handicraft and antique
crockery. Their decorations are not resistant.
• Parts in synthetic material which do not withstand high
• Copperandtincrockery.
• Crockerysoiledwithash,wax,lubricatinggreaseorink.
The colours of glass decorations and aluminium/silver pieces
can change and fade during the washing process. Some types
of wash cycles too.
Damage to glass and crockery
• Typeofglassandglassproductionprocess.
• Chemicalcompositionofdetergent.
• Watertemperatureofrinsecycle.
• Onlyuseglassesandporcelainguaranteedbythemanufacturer
as dishwasher safe.
• Useadelicatedetergentsuitableforcrockery.
• Collectglassesandcutleryfromthedishwasherassoonasthe
wash cycle is over.