Frequently Asked Questions
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4. Repeat for each of the 16 pins on the StarSCAN cable. If a broken or open wire is
discovered within the cable for any of the 16 pins on the vehicle connector, a new cable
should be ordered from SPX Miller Special Tools at 800-801-5420.
Why won't my StarSCAN tool power off when I press or press and hold the power key?
Complete the following steps if you are unable to power off your StarSCAN tool:
1. Remove the internal battery pack located on the lower right side of the StarSCAN tool
and disconnect all external power sources (A/C Power, Vehicle Cable, MDS2 DIN
2. Re-install the internal battery pack and connect the StarSCAN tool to an external power
source (A/C power Cable, Vehicle Cable, or MDS2 DIN Cable).
Reconnecting an external power source may be necessary because the internal
rechargeable battery may be discharged.
3. Press the Power key.
Why won’t the tutorials on the dcctools website run on my computer?
Tutorials on www.dcctools.com page require the Macromedia Flash player be installed on your
machine to run properly. You may download the Flash player from the DealerCONNECT
website by going to ‘eSupport’ then clicking on the ‘Downloads’ link. Click on the ‘Flash Player’
link and follow the instructions for download and installation.
How do I enter characters not present on the StarSCAN Virtual Keyboard?
Pressing and holding either Shift button on the StarSCAN’s keypad (when the virtual keypad is
visible) will change the first row of keys on the virtual keyboard as shown below: