Frequently Asked Questions
2/13/08 v1.7 Page 10 of 20
To test the StarSCAN touchscreen, perform the following steps:
1. Follow steps 1 and 2 above to view the StarSCAN System Menu.
2. Select Self Tests, then Test Touchscreen and follow the instructions.
How do I set the StarSCAN tool to Factory Defaults?
NOTE! This procedure will erase network configurations on the StarSCAN. Be sure to copy
current network settings/information before performing this procedure.
To reset the StarSCAN tool to factory default settings, complete the following steps:
1. Power up the StarSCAN tool and allow the application to load up the home screen.
2. Once the home screen is loaded, press the both Shift keys on the StarSCAN key pad
simultaneously. This will bring up the system menu below:
3. From the System Menu, select Advanced, then Restore to Factory Defaults. The
StarSCAN tool will revert to factory default settings.
What is the Vehicle Preparation feature?
Vehicle Preparation provides users with a list of common functions typically used during new
vehicle preparation. Examples include:
• Sound Horn On Lock
• Flash Hazard Lamps On Lock
• Headlamps Delay Time
• Illuminated Entry Time
• Program Additional Ignition Keys
All items that are available under Vehicle Preparation can also be found by navigating to ECU
View > ECU Overview > Misc. Functions and ECU View > ECU Overview > More Options >
System Tests.
What is the red flashing SIM button that sometimes appears on the Title Bar?
The red “SIM” button appears whenever the tool is in a simulated mode of operation. This
mode is intended for purposes of demonstration and training only, and isn’t intended for live on-
vehicle diagnosis. Pressing the button will invoke a dialog box with settings that you can adjust
in order to exit simulated mode.
How does the StarSCAN tool’s vehicle connection system work?
There are certain conditions that must exist for the StarSCAN scan tool to communicate with a
vehicle. The first conditions that must be met for the StarSCAN tool to operate properly are that
power and grounds must be connected at the Data Link Connector (DLC). This means that pin
16 on the DLC will need to have battery voltage (B+) at all times and that pins 4 and 5 have a
“clean” path to ground. When the StarSCAN is turned on and plugged into the DLC, the light
near the power button on the StarSCAN tool will turn green when vehicle power is present. If
the StarSCAN tool is running off of its internal battery, then the light will be a solid red. A green